Thursday, 5 November 2009
Friday, 9 October 2009
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
Saturday, 6 June 2009
Sunday, 26 April 2009
The month of March was devoted to transport among the project countries. We collected information about types of transport, their prices, distances, time in hours or forwarding companies.
The results of our work are in PowerPoint presentations:

Thursday, 2 April 2009
We spent a week (22 – 28 March 2009) in Austria. We left Tábor on Sunday at 11 o´clock. We changed the train at České Budějovice. We arrived in Linz at about 3 o´clock. We got off on the Main railway station. The weather was bad, it was snowing and raining. We were accommodated in youth hostel in the centre of town.
At the beginning of the week we split to the international groups. Immediately on Monday we had a lesson of history, dancing and German, where we learnt the grammar of the language. For other national it was difficult but for us it was funny and easy. On Monday afternoon we played a game in the town, where we searched sights and made the photos here.
On Tuesday we visited Vienna. In the morning we went to “Westbahnhof”, after them we went by underground to the National Museum, where we searched the famous pictures. We visited Karlskirche and small castle Belveder. On Wednesday we made a trip to Salzburg. On the arrival we visited Salzburg Airport and we viewed the hangar Red Bull. Most of us saw first the Alps. Salzburg lives with Mozart; we saw the house of Mozart, a church, where he played … The guide told us a few interesting things about the churches in the town.
On Thursday we stayed in Linz, in the morning the guide was waiting for us and she showed us the town. We saw a church and the beginning of the tram track. We visited the fairytales Museum in the rock. There were houses from the 18th century. In the afternoon we went to the museum Ars Electronics, where we tried a lot of optical delusions and electronic news. In the evening we went to the Orange Cube, we played billiard, bowling and darts. We communicated very well.
On Friday the presentations of national economics were waiting for us. All states had well prepared presentations and well read economic knowledge. After dinner we went to the town to buy souvenirs and gifts home. After them we prepared to the evening graduation ball. At half past seven the ball started and we were surprised, how nice the assembly room was. On the graduation ball we said our farewells to the other students but for a lot of students it wasn’t easy. On Saturday we woke up early, because at 6 o´clock the train left Linz. But the train was delayed. At 10 o´clock we arrived in Tábor and everyone hurried home.
I think this trip was informative, useful. We knew a lot of young people. We spoke English and a little German. My best experiences were German lesson, visiting Karlskirche, the Alps, Fairytales Museum and Ars Electronics and Graduation ball with Marilyn Monroe. I hope that we are going to prepare also the interesting program for other students in October this year.
Saturday, 14 March 2009
Structure of national economy
In February project teams worked on the structure of their national economy. We looked at the sectors (primary, secondary, tertiary), found top businesses and statistical data about gross domestic product, state budget, unemployment, inflation, savings and biggest trading partners.
These data will be interesting to compare among the six project countries.
Here are our presentations:

Wednesday, 11 March 2009
22-28 February 2009
Our advance working on the meeting was quite hard . We were preparing presentation on “Historical aspect” while students of 3B class on “Companies and migration”. We learned many new PC programmes and improved our English.
The teachers and students in Martin prepared an interesting programme for us. We worked in English, Slovak and eTwinning lessons, visited Slovak national library and Slovak National museum in Martin, KIA Motors factory in Zilina and on our way home we went sightseeing in Bratislava, the capital city.
Visiting High Tatras was the best experience for us. We saw snow-covered Strbske Lake and made a hike to Popradske Lake. Between the clouds we could see snow-capped peaks of the rocky mountains. Relaxing in Aquapark in Poprad was a bonus for our challenging climbing.
The main aim of our visit in Martin was the work on the project. Each country introduced their presentations. Slovak students prepared some more presentations, for example, on the town of Martin, the past and present of their school, Euro etc.
We all enjoyed our stay in Slovakia and are looking forward to Linz, Austria.
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Presentation on historical and geographical aspects
Project teams worked on question "What linked our countries in the past, what divided them?" We found different stories on common history and introduced our regions.
Here are the results in PowerPoint: